Trump Income Tax Brackets

Sorry – You may have missed our Donor-Friendly Webinar on the New Tax Law BUT you can register to receive the recording

On Jan. 22, we gave a Donor-Friendly Webinar Briefing on the New Tax Law (goal being that you can use the content for your own donor-friendly briefings and/or invite leadership to join the webinar).  This was the predominant request from among our 250 attendees to our initial briefing on the new tax law from last week (see below for comments on that session). 


In addition to receiving the actual PowerPoint and the recording link, you will also receive draft donor-friendly pamphlet language – included with your registration. 

Here is our first comment:

After sitting in your Tax Bill Seminar, I knew today’s seminar was something I needed.  Unfortunately, I joined in late and didn’t download the presentation.  Can the presentation be emailed to me?  And, I’m definitely looking forward to the information coming out in “donor” language in the next couple of weeks.  Really appreciate your explanations and not the typical “sky is falling” hype we’ve been getting.

Thank you as always for considering our programs.

Our Tax Briefing on Monday (1/8/18) was also a huge success – over 250 attendees logged-in to hear key points for nonprofit fundraisers on the new tax law!  CLICK HERE IF YOU WANT TO PURCHASE THE RECORDING

Sampling of comments we received after Jan. 8 Tax Law Briefing for Nonprofit Fundraisers:

“Thanks for the webinar today. Any chance you’d be interested in holding a seminar for donors about how the new tax bill might affect their charitable giving.”

“Thanks for your excellent presentation!”

“Thank you for the presentation last week.”

“Nice job on the presentation today.”

“Thoroughly enjoyed and was educated by your webinar today.”

“Thank you so much for an informative session this morning!”

“Thanks so much for the webinar presentation today regarding the 2018 Tax Law changes — I found it to be very helpful.”

“Thoroughly enjoyed the presentation this morning and got a number of questions answered, plus good direction for the future with the 70 1/2s and their IRAs. Thanks!”

Last Call for Monday’s Donor-Friendly Webinar on New Tax Law

This Monday – Jan. 22 – at 12 pm EST, we are offering a Donor-Friendly Webinar Briefing on the New Tax Law (goal being that you can use the content for your own donor-friendly briefings and/or invite leadership to join the webinar).  This was the predominant request from among our 250 attendees to our initial briefing on the new tax law from last week (see below for comments on that session). 


In addition to receiving the actual PowerPoint and the recording link, you will also receive draft donor-friendly pamphlet language – included with your registration. 

Thank you as always for considering our programs.

Our Tax Briefing on Monday (1/8/18) was a huge success – over 250 attendees logged-in to hear key points for nonprofit fundraisers on the new tax law!  CLICK HERE IF YOU WANT TO PURCHASE THE RECORDING

Sampling of comments we received after Jan. 8 Tax Law Briefing for Nonprofit Fundraisers:

“Thanks for the webinar today. Any chance you’d be interested in holding a seminar for donors about how the new tax bill might affect their charitable giving.”

“Thanks for your excellent presentation!”

“Thank you for the presentation last week.”

“Nice job on the presentation today.”

“Thoroughly enjoyed and was educated by your webinar today.”

“Thank you so much for an informative session this morning!”

“Thanks so much for the webinar presentation today regarding the 2018 Tax Law changes — I found it to be very helpful.”

“Thoroughly enjoyed the presentation this morning and got a number of questions answered, plus good direction for the future with the 70 1/2s and their IRAs. Thanks!”

Pease is gone!! What was that anyway?

The new tax plan eliminates the Pease limitations!  Did you even know it existed? Was it important?

“This provision, named after the late Congressman Donald Pease, reduceD the value of itemized deductions for high income taxpayers. It worked by reducing the value of a taxpayer’s itemized deductions by 3 percent for every dollar of taxable income above a certain threshold ($254,200 single; $305,050 married). The phase-out of the value of itemized deductions is capped at 80 percent of the total value of itemized deductions.”  Click here if you want to see a good blog post on it. (I made the quote in past tense)

Basically, Pease was a surtax on charitable giving for those around $250,000 and up!  (it impacted all deductions but the charitable deduction is the most discretionary of the deductions – the one someone at that income level may think twice about a larger gift (if notified by their accountant of the surtax).

Yes, it is so complex that I can’t remember how it was calculated (why bother figuring it out again now that it is gone!) BUT this change, as well as a bunch of other “goodies” in the new tax bill, may be big opportunities!!!

Want to learn more about opportunities for nonprofits (and some challenges) due to the new law?  THIS MONDAY AT NOON est, I AM GIVING A BRIEFING ON THE NEW LAW!!! CLICK HERE TO REGISTER – WE WILL BE GOING OVER 20 IMPORTANT CHANGES TO THE LAW THAT MAY HELP YOUR ORG RAISE MORE MONEY.





Update on New Tax Plan and Nonprofits

Image result for not so badOk, the details are coming out and as I thought, nonprofits might actually benefit from the tax plan!

  • We still have an estate tax!  Ok, it impacts much less people (exemption doubled to $11.2 million per person) but it didn’t impact many of our donors in recent years anyway.  Just having it on the books is a good thing for the planned giving world – just giving them something to worry about is enough to spur talking to estate planning counsel.
  • Here is my favorite quote from Crescendo Interactive on the new tax bill: “Now that Congress has passed tax reform, one thing is clear – tax reform is good news for gift planners! Planned giving donors are still expected to itemize their deductions. In fact, with the loss of other non-charitable deductions, donors may be increasingly attracted to making a planned gift as a way to increase their overall deductions and reduce their taxes.  I bolded the important ideas – planned giving (and certainly major gift donors!) donors will likely continue to itemize.  I commend for Crescendo for getting this point – see next bullet point for one that I was shocked at how skewed others were looking at this….
  • Here is a quote from another provider who I will not mention as I felt their comments were just wrong:  “Although the legislation maintains the current-law income tax charitable deduction, it will significantly reduce the number of taxpayers who itemize and effectively eliminate the income tax charitable deduction for a vast majority of Americans.”  Please read that last, bolded sentence again – the claim that the new tax law effectively eliminates the deduction for the “vast majority of American” is absurd!!!!  The “vast majority” of those who no longer will itemize are not your typical major or planned giving donors!  (Ok, some older donors on fixed imcome will no longer itemize but that is ok – see next point!)
  • I think the big advantage for planned giving promotion coming out of this bill will be the IRA rollover.  For those donors age 70.5 and up (clearly candidates for no longer itemizing), this will be a great option to heavily promote.  Not itemizing?  Considering a direct IRA rollover gift! It’s that simple.
  • Apparently, the 50% of AGI ceiling for charitable giving deductions per year is going up to 60%.  This may be very helpful for larger gifts!  More to come on this when I finally get to those details.

So, there you have it, for now. Charitable giving will be more valuable to those who are the biggest givers in 2018 and beyond.  And, for the folks who may no longer need to itemize (a good thing for them as it means they save some taxes), the IRS rollover is a great option if they are 70.5+.

One last point! This blog (as well as most in this field) is apolitical – I’ve attacked both sides of the isle on foolish tax laws/proposals.  I was shocked to see a major provider of planned giving services out there buying into a clearly political statement.  The idea that this legislation is bad for charities is utterly ridiculous and to make it seem as though they just eliminated the income tax deduction is plainly foolish.  Don’t get caught up in the politics – just look at what is changing and see where it can help (or hurt).

And, by the way, change is good for planned giving. It gets people thinking and addressing their plan!  That is half the battle (considering less than half of Americans have any estate plans at all)!